6 Habits I have picked up from working in tech for 3 years


3 min read

Tests are important

When I started learning to program, I did not give testing any heed. It just seemed like a waste of time. Why would I spend an equal amount of time writing a test when I can write the code, run the app, and test it manually.

It was only later when I worked on applications with dozens of features and hundreds of files filled with code that I realized that if this software had just had tests I would have been infinitely more confident in adding a new feature.

Tests are important, they are not a focus for beginners, but if you REALLY want to go, learn at least one type of testing (Unit test, E2E, etc.)

Kent C. Dodds has a really good course on this at Testing Javascript

Learn the domain

Software Development is more than just coding.

You need to understand what drives the business you are working in to be a part of the conversation. As you progress in your career, you will spend more time building solutions from the lens of the business you are working on.

This also plays a big role in getting promoted, domain knowledge becomes more and more important the higher you are on the ladder.

Learn to deep focus

Multitasking won't help in the long term.

If you don't learn to focus on one thing now you won't be able to handle your tasks as efficiently as possible. Multitasking is also a fast ticket to burnout city and you don't want that to happen especially when your passion and income rely on you being functional.

Think of multitasking as a day or week-long venture. You can make it easier If you are able to resolve 3 tasks a day by focusing on them individually rather than trying to juggle them all at once and get nothing done.

Ask for help

Google will only take you so far. If you don't ask for it, you won't get it.

This is especially important if you are new to a company, just think of it, there is so much context that you don't know, and searching Google won't reveal to you why those developers made those decisions.

So instead of spending more time searching, discuss it with a person who was there or somebody who has worked on those before.

Be open-minded

Change is the only constant in this world.

Trends change fast. Eventually, you might need to work in a technology that you hold immense hate toward. Don't be that person.

Specializing in one technology is really good for your career, but keep yourself open to newer technologies.

Get uncomfortable

Our brains want instant gratification, you need to be able to put down your head and learn to get somewhere.

Learning something takes time and effort. You can find a lot of people online who got a job after learning for 6 months, and it might give you the impression that this is easy stuff.

Don't put your hopes on that, this is difficult and rewarding. I would never change the amount of effort I am going to put into something because somebody else said that it's easy.

Easy is relative, know yourself and learn to push yourself.